Saturday, November 17, 2012


I have long been fascinated with Korean culture and this includes their food. Pictures of their food elaborately prepared shown in all forms of media made me really want to try it. Now, I could say I have imbibed it with a month-long stay in Seoul.

Anyway, I got my taste of the world-famous Korean kimchi when I worked for a Korean company who invested in my hometown in Leyte. My employer was always inviting me to try his Kimchi which he usually brings from Korea. I was not keen in tasting it as it looked spicy and hot but I gave in and from then on I would usually taste his Busan-made Kimchi.

I have tried Korean foods in the Philippines both in fastfoods and hotels but I was eager to try an authentic Korean food - one which truly reflects their culture and palate.

Here are some pics of the authentic Korean foods I have eaten and tried. Salivate you guys! Go to Korea if you want these,lol!

I still have many pictures which I plan to also blog about in the future!

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